Mark and his team at Bloomsbury have an eye for the exceptional. They know how to create full and luxurious bouquets and arrangements that truly make the unique qualities of every flower stand out. They’ve prepared a large and colourful bouquet with the Matthiola StoX® series from Evanthia. A perfect bouquet for a tour around the city.
Robust woody stems, rich double flowers, sparkling colours and an outstanding vase life - that's Matthiola StoX®. You’ve probably haven’t seen the Matthiola StoX® used much before. That is because the StoX® series is brand new and the first stems are available now, and much more will follow next season! That makes Mark from Bloomsbury one of the lucky florists that had the pleasure of trying out the StoX® and create some truly unique floral work. An exceptional flower for an exceptional florist.

The StoX® is a robust series of Matthiolas from Evanthia with woody stems that can easily be selected for double flowers after cold treatment, resulting in an excellent series with 100% double flowers. Truly the best of both worlds: the sturdy and durable characteristics of Japanese type Matthiola and the selectability of the European type Matthiola.

Robust woody stems, rich double flowers, sparkling colours and an outstanding vase life - that's Matthiola StoX®. You’ve probably haven’t seen the Matthiola StoX® used much before. That is because the StoX® series is brand new and the first stems are available now, and much more will follow next season! That makes Mark from Bloomsbury one of the lucky florists that had the pleasure of trying out the StoX® and create some truly unique floral work. An exceptional flower for an exceptional florist.
The StoX® is a robust series of Matthiolas from Evanthia with woody stems that can easily be selected for double flowers after cold treatment, resulting in an excellent series with 100% double flowers. Truly the best of both worlds: the sturdy and durable characteristics of Japanese type Matthiola and the selectability of the European type Matthiola.
Mark and his team at Bloomsbury have an eye for the exceptional. They know how to create full and luxurious bouquets and arrangements that truly make the unique qualities of every flower stand out. They’ve prepared a large and colourful bouquet with the Matthiola StoX® series from Evanthia. A perfect bouquet for a tour around the city.